Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Groups

CBT Skills for Physicians and Medical Residents

The BC Physician Health Program and Mind Space Skills for Wellbeing (formerly CBT Skills Groups Society) are partnering to offer a CBT Skills Group for BC physicians and medical residents with a mental health diagnosis to participate as patients. Learn how the mind works and practical skills for dealing with anxiety, depression, and stress. The content is a mix of CBT, emotional regulation, mindfulness, and acceptance-based approaches. 93% of those who complete the course feel more confident with self-management skills for mental health, and almost all would recommend the course to others.


  • 8-week series of 2 hours sessions, led by Psychiatrist Dr. Jennifer Barley and Dr. Kylie Riou.
  • Delivered virtually via Zoom, 15 participants per group. Classroom style format, where facilitators teach one chapter of a workbook per week
  • Personal sharing is very limited, but each participant is encouraged to share a brief report on their learning each week. Most people say this learning from other participants is the most powerful part of the course.


Every Thursday from March 6 to April 24, 2025, from 8:00-10:00 AM PST.

What will you need to participate?

  • Availability to attend all 8 sessions. Regular attendance is requested.
  • Computer, laptop, or handheld device with Zoom app and webcam
  • Fast, stable internet connection
  • Private room from which you can join

Whom will this serve?

  • B.C. Physicians and Medical Residents
  • Individuals with a PHQ9 of 18 or less who struggle with anxiety or depression; chronic medical conditions with associated mental distress; insomnia; chronic pain; addictions; eating disorders; hormonal disorders; adjustment disorders; problems with spending, overeating; or other out-of-control behaviours; and attention regulation problems (Psychiatric Diagnosis ICD9 code must be provided on referral form).
  • No cognitive impairment such as active psychosis, mania, or dissociation, substance use disorder which impacts group-based learning, or personality disorder that may impact with group process.

How much does this cost?

Free – Physicians and medical residents are covered through MSP

How do I enroll?

Ask your primary care provider to fill out this form and indicate that the patient is interested in the Physician CBT Skills Group. Fax to the CBT Skills Group at 778-265-0298.

PHP can also fill out this form on your behalf – email if you would like our help with this.

What information is required for enrollment?

  • Attendee: Full name, address, DOB, PHN, phone and email address, current PHQ9 score.
  • NP/FP: Full name, MSP#, phone and fax number.

CBT for Insomnia

Insomnia is a common, but challenging, problem. CBT has been shown to be highly effective in aiding individuals to change their relationship with sleep. This group is a change-oriented and evidence-based approach. It begins with some general information about CBT and mindfulness, while providing participants with information about the science of sleep so they can apply CBT to the specific issue of insomnia. Participants will discuss how beliefs and behavioural changes can improve sleep, in addition to ways of challenging thought patterns that perpetuate poor sleep.

The group is for individuals who identify insomnia as an issue. Often, individuals have endured poor sleep for years, and though they may be desperate for things to improve, it will take time and effort to shift their relationship to sleep. The goal is for participants to practice with the tools provided to determine what is most effective and what can be realistically integrated into regular practice. Because change is hard, it is very important to acknowledge any small (or big) changes made.


  • 6-week series of 1.5 hour sessions led by Dr. Karen Palmer, Psychiatrist and Dalal Badawi, Registered Social Worker.
  • Delivered virtually via Zoom, 15-16 physician participants per group.
  • The general structure of each week will look like: Completing a settling in exercise, review previous week’s teaching, check-in, skill/exercise, new teaching, home practice.


  • Every Tuesday from March 18 to April 22, 2025, from 6:30-8:00 PM PST.

What will you need to participate?

  • Availability to attend all 6 sessions. Regular attendance is requested.
  • Computer, laptop, or handheld device with Zoom app and webcam.
  • Fast, stable internet connection.
  • Private room from which you can join.

Whom will this serve?

  • B.C. Physicians who identify as struggling with insomnia.

How much does this cost?

Free – Physicians are covered through MSP

How do I enroll?

Contact to express your interest in enrolling.